Decoding Delegation
An online course to help you get out of your own way

People Suck At Delegating
Not delegation like "Hey, I don't feel like doing this" but delegation like "I trust you to handle this while I'm taking care of something else."
But what if you didn't suck at it?
What if you were actually good at it?
What if you decluttered your task list and took back your time?
That would be AMAZING!!!...

Don't wing it... follow a proven path

We did most of the work for you

Skill Building
Develop yourself and your people at the same time
Decoding Delegation
Lot's of people struggle letting things go. After all you can do it better! But does that mean you should be doing it? Taking this course will help you see that delegation is simpler and easier than you ever thought.
I Want To DelegateWhat is in the course?
I Do It
You See It
You Do It
You Take It
Meet The Instructor
Hi! I'm Luke.
I'm a leadership coach specializing in entrepreneurs and leaders who genuinely want to be better.
Love Language: Sarcasm
Teaching Style: To the point
Hobbies: Camping
Favorite Movie: As Good as It Gets
I love leadership. I love helping people improve their leadership. Honestly... delegation isn't sexy, but it is something good leaders do.
I Want To Be A Good Leader